
Parent Night Presentation

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our Parent Night meeting tonight! We hope you found it informational and got answers to your questions. This season is going to be very fluid as reopening protocols shift and we appreciate your flexibility as we navigate it. Ultimately we hope to get our swimmers back to our regularly scheduled programming on the pool deck - or close to it! 

The presentation from tonight's meeting is on our website if you would like to refer back to any of the information from the slides. You can also view a video recording of the entire meeting. Password is 3VUT%ERc

I am working now to update your swimmers profile with practice group assignments. You will be able to view them in the portal no later than 10am tomorrow. If you have a scheduling conflict and need to change slots, please contact Thorey Bauer at [email protected]. Keep in mind that younger swimmer are slotted earlier and older kids in the later slots so while we have some room for changes, we try to keep swimmers close to other swimmers with the same skill level/age to maximize their practice experience. 

Thanks again and we'll see you on the pool deck!

Alex Fishburn


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